The League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico (LWVCNM) is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. The mission of the League is “empowering voters and strengthening democracy.”
LWVCNM covers Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia counties.
The League of Women Voters has an extensive position on the issue of immigration. It can be found in the national handbook “Impact on Issues.” The position reads in part “In achieving overall policy goals, the League supports a system for individuals living in the country without legal permission to earn legal status, including citizenship, by paying taxes, studying civics, and meeting other relevant criteria. While policy reforms, including a path to legal status, remains unachieved, the League does not support deporting these immigrants who have no history of major and/or violent criminal activity.”
After the current administration reversed a federal guideline discouraging the arrest of undocumented immigrants in public places such as houses of worship and schools, the New Mexico Department of Justice has issued guidance for houses of worship, public schools, colleges, local law enforcement officers, magistrate and district courts and hospitals. Those guidelines can be found on the New Mexico Department of Justice website
Regardless of immigration status, we all need to know our rights and how to exercise them. Here is more information:
Find your legislative and other district information here.
Legislative information is at the New Mexico Legislature website here.