Book Club

The LWVCNM Book Club is an informal gathering of LWVCNM members who are interested in reading and discussing books. They meet once every two months, discussing a new book each time. The books are chosen by the group at previous meetings.
Join Book Club coordinators Janet Kirkpatrick and Mary Mulvany for lively discussion and conversation. Bring along a “potluck” snack – something sweet or savory – to share with the group (not required, just if you have the time).

The upcoming Book Club gathering is:

. Wednesday, May 28 at 5 PM in the conference room at the LWVCNM office building. Note that the building’s front doors lock at 6 PM.

Not able to finish a book in time for a session? No Worries! Feel free to attend and follow along with the discussion.

Books that have been read so far are:
Evicted – Poverty and Profit in the American City by author Matthew Desmond
The Soul of America – The Battle For Our Better Angels by author Jon Meacham
The Persuaders – At the Front Lines of the Fight for Hearts, Minds, and Democracy by author Anand Giridharadas
Democracy Awakening – Notes on the State of America by author Heather Cox Richardson
At The Precipice: New Mexico’s Changing Climate by author Laura Paskus
Why We’re Polarized by author Ezra Klein
Braiding Sweetgrass, Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by author Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by author Heather McGhee
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by author Robert Putnam
Whiskey Tender by author Deborah Jackson Taffa
Hell If We Don’t Change Our Ways by author Brittany Means