The National Votes for Women Trail is a project of the National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites (NCWHS), established to support the preservation of sites that bear witness to women’s participation in American history. The William G. Pomeroy Foundation is a private, philatropic organization located in Syracuse, N.Y., and the nation’s leading funder of historic roadside markers. It has donated up to 250 trail markers for a select group of entries in the National Votes for Women Trail database. View a map of these. Three trail markers are located in New Mexico:
A trail marker in Pioneer Women’s Park in Las Cruces honoring the Women’s Improvement Association – LWV Southern New Mexico joined with the Progress Club in Las Cruces to dedicate this marker as a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. The Women’s Improvement Association sent a telegram to President Wilson advocating passage of the amendment. The event is described here and this brochure describes the marker.
The A.A. Jones marker in Las Vegas – Senator A.A. Jones helped advance the cause of Women’s suffrage, as described here. Below is a photo of the trail marker in front of Senator A.A. Jones’ house.

The Julia Brown Asplund marker in Albuquerque